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 Bizarre Wrestling Federation Match Types

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PostSubject: Bizarre Wrestling Federation Match Types    Bizarre Wrestling Federation Match Types   EmptySun Mar 03, 2013 2:27 am

Bizarre Wrestling Federation Match Types

Basic Matches
Singles, Fatal Four Way, Triple Threat, Tag, Six Man Tag, Hardcore, No holds Barred, Backstage Brawl, Battle Royal

Original Matches

Buzzer Blitz Match
-At the announce table, a panel of judges watch the match closely. Each of the judges has two buzzers, one buzzer for one wrestler, one buzzer for the other. When the judges are impressed by a move, or just delighted with the one of the wrestlers, they push a buzzer. For example, if its the rock vs. stone cold. The rock would have his own buzzer, and so would stone cold. If stone cold did an impressive move, or something that shocked one of the judges, that judge would push the stone cold button. Vice versa fro the rock. Every time a judge presses a button, one of the superstars gains a point, depending of who's button the judge pressed. Now, the match is on a time limit, 10/15/20 minuet time limits. By the end of the limit, whoever has the highest number of points, wins. If they draw, they go to sudden death, a 5 minute match. I got the idea from Americas Got Talent.

Survivors Of War
A mix of both the Survivor Series Match and The War Games Match Taking place inside of a cage. Two wrestlers start out and every two min a wrestler from a team enters at random. You may not eliminate anyone in tell both teams have entered the ring in full. Then you most eliminate the entire opposing team to win.


Texas Bullrope Match
The wrestlers are tied together by a rope with a cow bell in the center the winner is the man the score a pin fall.

Last Man Standing match
The Last Man Standing match is a hardcore-style match where the only way to win is by knockout. That is, a wrestler will lose the match if they are unable to answer a ten-count after being downed, similar to the knockout ruling of a boxing match. In order to avoid losing, the downed wrestler must be on his or her feet by the count of 10

Texas Death Match
A similar type of match is the Texas Death match (aka. Mexican Death Match), where a wrestler must be pinned or forced to submit before the referee will begin the ten-count.

First Blood match
A First Blood match is a no-disqualification match where in order to win a wrestler has to make his opponent bleed. Or, rather, depending on the nuances of the promotion and the angle surrounding the match, the first person to bleed loses, regardless of source. There have been matches where bloody noses count. In a variation called Sadistic Madness, which was created by Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, the opponent must be bleeding before a wrestler can legally pin them. Although, there are no disqualifications, outside interference cannot be seen causing the participant to bleed. 

Doomsday Chamber of Blood
A variation, the Doomsday Chamber of Blood, takes place inside of a barbed wire topped cage.

No Count-Out match
A No Count-Out match is a regular match where both competitors can stay outside of the ring or stay down for longer than the standard 10 or 20 seconds

 "I Quit" Match
 is a type of professional wrestling match in which the only way to win is to make the opponent say the words "I quit" (usually into a microphone). It is different from a submission match, in that merely tapping out, which is usually sufficient to signify submission, is not enough in this match; the forfeiting opponent must actually state "I quit." Generally, whenever a wrestler knocks down his opponent with a move or inflicts a submission move, he will grab the microphone and ask the opponent to say "I quit." and the opponent (at least early in the match) will make some kind of retort. "I Quit" matches are commonly used to settle kayfabe grudges and embarrass rivals, since saying "I Quit" is usually a sign of admitted inferiority.

 Iron Man
match is a professional wrestling match type that is set to go a specific amount of time, usually 30 or 60 minutes, with the competitor with the most falls at the end of that time named the victor. On the occasions of a draw, a sudden death "final fall" may be requested by either side, with the other able to accept or decline, or a legal authority can order the match to go into overtime in the case of any championship match if there is a draw.

Monster's Ball Match
 is a professional wrestling, hardcore match
The key premise of the match was that all contenders are sequestered alone in a locked room without light, food or water for twenty-four hours before the match. This stipulation is intended to induce extreme feelings of aggression in the competitors. Once released, the wrestlers fight one another in a no disqualification match, with the usage of weapons encouraged. Victory can be achieved by pinfall or submission, with the match ending as soon as one wrestler is pinned or submits (there is no elimination format). The locked away stipulation was simply forgotten about, however, and not mentioned since the sixth one. It is now simply a Street Fight, as the match has to end inside the Ring.

 Ladder Match 
is a type of match in professional wrestling that is most commonly used to describe a match where an item (usually a title belt) is hung above the ring, and the winner is the contestant who climbs a ladder and retrieves the item The ladder itself becomes a key feature of the match, as wrestlers will use the ladder as a weapon to strike the opponent(s), as a launching pad for acrobatic attacks, and frequently these matches include impressive falls from the top of the ladder However, there were very few matches in which the hung item must be used in a special manner in order to win the match, such as striking the opponent with the item (see Bam Bam Bigelow Vs. Scott Hall Tazer match, where one must strike the opponent with the Tazer, regardless of who retrieved the Tazer first) Ladder matches are often used as a finale to storylines and it is more common to have symbolic briefcases (usually "containing" a contract for a future championship match) or championships belts hung above the ring. Ladder matches and their variants (such as TLC and Full Metal Mayhem) are often used in feuds that involve a dispute over possession of an item (such as a stolen title belt or the "paperwork" for the contractual services of a manager). Ladder matches are almost always fought under no disqualification rules

King of the Mountain Match
Further information: King of the Mountain match
The King of the Mountain match is described as a "reverse ladder match". Instead of retrieving an object hanging above the ring, the winner is the first person to use a ladder to hanga championship belt above the ring—after having scored a pinfall or submission (pinfalls count anywhere) to earn the right to try. A wrestler who has been pinned or forced to submit must spend two minutes in a penalty box

Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match
Main article: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match
A tables, ladders and chairs match (often abbreviated as "TLC match"), is an extension of a Ladder match with chairs and tables also being present as legal weapons

Empty Arena Match
is a hardcore match between two or more wrestlers which takes place in an arena devoid of fans. The only people present are the competitors, referee, and cameramen. The match is broadcast, or videotaped and played later. e.g. The Rock vs Mankind during the WWF's Super Bowl halftime show on January 31, 1999. One of the earliest and best known empty arena bouts occurred in 1981 in Memphis, TN at the Mid South Coliseum between Jerry Lawler and Terry Funk. Empty arena matches are rare, and usually accompany other, filled-arena matches, due to the cost of renting an arena and not selling tickets.

Falls Count Anywhere Match
is a match where only pinfalls can take place in any location, negating the standard rule that they must take place inside the ring and between the ropes. As such, this also eliminates the usual "countout" rule. As the match may take place in various parts of the arena, the "Falls Count Anywhere" provision is almost always accompanied with a "No Disqualification" stipulation to make the match a hardcore match, so as to allow wrestlers the convenience to use any objects they may find wherever they wrestle. A variation of the rules state that once a pinfall takes place, the pinned wrestler will lose the match if he is unable to return to the ring within a specific amount of time—usually a referee's count of 10 or 30. If the pinned wrestler makes it to the ring in this time, the match continues. Under these rules, all pinfalls must take place outside of the ring, technically making the match no longer falls count anywhere. Occasionally, this stipulation is listed as having a specific territory in which falls count (e.g. the state, county, or general location the match is in).Submissions included

Flag Match
is essentially the professional wrestling version of capture the flag. For the match two flags are placed on opposite turnbuckles, each representing a specific wrestler or team of wrestlers, and the object of the match is to retrieve the opponent's flag and raise it while defending the flag in the wrestler's corner. An Anthem match is a variant of a Flag match with the added stipulation that the national anthem of the winning wrestler's or team's home country will be played in the arena after the match.

Handicap Match
is any match where one wrestler or team of wrestlers face off against a team of wrestlers with numerical superiority such as two against one, three against two etc. Normally the babyfaces are outnumbered with the heels having more members on their team to provide an unfair advantage. In some two-on-one Handicap matches, the team with superior numbers act under tag team rules, with one person in the ring at a time. In others, such as Tornado matches, all competitors are in the ring at the same time

Lumberjack Match
is a standard match with the exception that the ring is surrounded by a group of wrestlers not directly involved in it. These wrestlers, known collectively as lumberjacks — female wrestlers serving in this manner are sometimes called lumberjills — are there to prevent the wrestlers in the match from fleeing the ring

Extreme Battle Royal
This match was similar to a classic battle royal. It can have up to 40 wrestlers competing. Elimination only occurs when a wrestlers hits an opponent with a weapon and sends him out of the ring in any way. When 10 wrestlers remain, the weapons are increased and the eliminations are changed to pinfall or over the top rope. The final wrestler left wins the match and earns a title shot at any PPV he wants.
As 40 wrestlers (or less) compete in the match, it can last over 30 minutes. Interference is legal as there is no referee to watch the action. When a face wrestler is eliminted, he goes back to the locker room. When a heel wrestler is eliminated, he can sneak back into the ring and continue.

Boiler Room Brawl
A Boiler Room Brawl starts in a boiler room, with the winner being the first wrestler to successfully get out. World Championship Wrestling used a match with similar rules, naming their match and its location The Block.

Parking Lot Brawl
Two types of matches take place in parking lots, the Parking Lot Brawl and the Iron Circle match.They're essentially the same thing, two wrestlers fighting in a parking lot, the major difference being the Iron Circle match takes place in the middle of a multitude of cars parked in a circle with their headlights on, while the Parking Lot Brawl tends to be in a sparser location. Both superstars are allowed to use everything around them. This includes the using the cars as weapons and anything found around them. First one to pinfall or submission is the winner.

Hog Pen Match
A Hog Pen Match takes place in a hog pen full of pigs, placed near the stage. The match could be won by pinfall and submission. The match can also end by throwing your opponent into the hog pen.

Miracle on 34th Street Fight
Christmas themed match involving a Christmas tree and presents.

Or others you come up with a good one and we may consider it

Weapon-based variations

Though the use of Foreign Objects, the matches generally take the name of the weapon being used ("Singapore Cane match", "Nightstick match"). The following is a list of weapon-based matches where additional rules supplant or replace the standard rules.

Crazy 8 Match
The Crazy 8 match, used mostly in the defunct Pro Wrestling Unplugged promotion, involves placing a championship belt at the top of a scaffold with the first wrestler to retrieve it being declared the winner. Placed in and around the ring for the wrestlers to utilize during the match are one side of a steel cage, two trampolines, and four rope swings.

(Weapon) match
In this variation, only the named weapon is allowed to be used as a weapon. Examples include the singapore cane match, the chair match, the whip/strap match, etc.

(Object) on a Pole match
The Object on a Pole match—whose name is usually derived from the object being hung the person retrieving the Object can use it. Or a Heel may steel it.

Strap Match
A Strap match, known by many names and done with many slight variations, is any match where the competitors are placed on the opposite ends of a restraint to keep them in close physical proximity. By definition the strap—and anything tied to it—are considered legal and in play weapons. The most common rule for victory is for one wrestler to have to go around the ring, touching all four corners in order and without stopping, although they can also end in pinfalls.

Tables match
A Tables match is a match in which in order to win, ones opponent must some how go through a table— You can only win with an offensive maneuver

Table to fall match
This match type is very unique as the wrestler first has to put their victim through a table. After, the wrestler can pin or have the victim submit. A fall in this match can only happen after being put through the table, and if the victim kicks out, gets out of a submission, or rope breaks, the wrestler must put the victim through another table. You can have only one chance to pin/submit at a time, so going through more than 1 table will not give you more chances to fall. Fire is permitted. Regularly, no other weapons but the tables are allowed, and falls have to happen in the arena.

Fans Bring the Weapons match
In a Fans Bring the Weapons match, all the weapons are provided by the fans prior to the show. Sometimes the weapons will be in the ring before the match starts, although occasionally weapons will be handed to the wrestlers during the action. This match type gained popular fame in the now defunct ECW, and this type is not typically seen any longer.

Taped Fist Match
For a Taped Fist match the wrestlers are allowed to tape and/or wrap their hands to allow them to punch harder without damaging their hands.

The Taipei Death Match
the taped fists are dipped in super glue, then broken glass.

Torture Chamber Match
This match was between two wrestlers (or up to 6) fighting inside a chamber. Wrestlers who were not involved in the match, surrounded the chamber. After about 5 minutes into the match, the outside wrestlers threw weapons into the chamber. The wrestlers who were fighting started hitting each other with the weapons. This match only ends with the first wrestler to gain KO.

Cages are one of the oldest form of enclosures used in professional wrestling. According to some historians, the first "cage match" of any kind took place on June 25, 1937 in Atlanta, Georgia  This match took place in a ring surrounded bychicken wire, in order to keep the athletes inside and any potential interference out of the action.

They have evolved a great deal over time, changing from chicken wire to steel bars to chain-link fencing (the latter is now the standard, due to it being cheaper to manufacture, lighter to transport, and more flexible and thus safer for the wrestlers). A steel cage match is a match fought within a cage formed by placing sheets of mesh metal around, in, or against the edges of the wrestling ring. The ways to win a steel cage match are as followed; either pinfall, submission, or by escaping the cage (over the top or through the door)(mainly only in WWE) and having both feet touch the arena floor. In Mexico, steel cage matches are won by just climbing to the top of the cage wall.

Doomsday Cage Match
Also called a Tower of Doom, the Doomsday Cage is a three story cage—the middle one split into two rooms—all of which house wrestlers. The object of the match is for a team of wrestlers to fight their way from the top cage to the bottom, where pinfalls and submissions come into play.

Barbed wire steel cage match
A barbed wire steel cage match is one of any number of matches that uses strands of barbed wire in some capacity. Simply using barbed wire in an otherwise regular steel cage match does not make the match a barbed wire steel cage match; the barbed wire must be part of the match's design.

Inferno match
An inferno match is a special type of match where the ring is completely surrounded by flames once both contenders have entered the ring. The only way to win is to set your opponent on fire. Inferno matches usually end on the outside of the ring; this way, paramedics can assist the unfortunate loser of the match. Due to the potentially graphic or dangerous nature of this type of match, it is very rarely seen in North America. In fact, there have only been four to this date.

Hell in The Cell
A specific kind of enclosure match run by WWE wherein a large cage that extends beyond the ring apron is lowered around the ring, leaving a narrow gap between the edge of the ring and the cage wall. The fencing of the cage also extends around the top of the cage, hence the name 'cell'. Unlike a standard cage match, there is no escape clause (and it has been fairly common for Hell in a Cell matches to spill out of the cell and even onto the ceiling of the cage), the match can only be won via pinfall or submission. There is no disqualification and the wrestlers are free to do whatever they must to win. The pinfall or submission can happen anywhere and anything not nailed to the floor may be used as a weapon. The cell may be used as a weapon. This type of match outside of the WWE is considered a cage match since most promotions do not consider escaping from the ring as a victory.

Because of the "literally anything goes" rule, this match developed an infamous reputation in its early years. Many wrestlers were legitimately injured during these matches (namely, Mick Foley), and the unbelievable bumps taken during these matches are talked about even to this day. In kayfabe, it was regarded as the most dangerous match in the entire promotion. J.R. has referred to the cell itself as "a demonic structure" that is "custom built for injury." During the Attitude Era, a Hell in a Cell match needed only be announced in order for the crowd to mark out.

Electrified Cage Match
The ring is surrounded by a steel cage which is electrified. The cage can be used as a weapon. The only way to win is by pinfall or submission.

The Elimination Chamber,
which was created by Eric Bischoff for WWE in 2002, is a large, circular steel cage which surrounds the ringentirely, including creating a grated floor area on the apron. Inside the cage, at each turnbuckle, is a clear "pod" where four of the six competitors in the match must wait to be released to join the two who start at the opening bell. As the name implies, wrestlers are eliminated one-by-one via pinfall or submission until only one remains.[80] An Extreme Elimination Chamber took place at the 2006December to Dismember pay-per-view, where a weapon was given to each wrestler waiting in a pod. The metal is black and the chambers are made of 'bulletproof glass'. The chamber is 36 feet (11 metres) in diameter and is composed of 16 tons of steel and 2 miles (3.2 kilometres) of chain. Since 2010, WWE has held a pay-per-view of the same name in a February, featuring this match type as one of its marquee events.

The Lion's Den Match
aimed to mimic the look and feel of mixed martial arts matches. A sloping, angular, steel cage was set up, stating that the only way to achieve victory was through knockout or submission.

Punjabi Prison match
The Punjabi Prison match, named after the Punjab state that The Great Khali (the match's 'founder') is billed from, consists of two large bamboo cages. The first being four sided and standing 16 feet (4.8 m) tall, while the second has eight sides and stands 20 feet (6 m) surrounding the first.
The inner cage has a four foot (1.2 m) by four foot door on each of its sides, with a referee standing by to open them at a wrestler's request. Each door may only be opened once and is only allowed to remain open for sixty seconds, after which it is padlocked. Should all four doors end up locked before the wrestlers escapes, they are forced to climb out over the top, where the bamboo is fashioned into spikes. Between the two cages are sometimes placed two tables, upon which are weapons (both "medieval" and "bamboo" variations of standard wrestling weapons). Once a wrestler has escaped the first cage, he must climb over and out of the second cage, with the first wrestler having both of their feet touch the arena floor being declared the winner

Triple Cage Match
A Triple Cage match involves three cages stacked on top of each other, with each cage decreasing in size from the bottom up.
Two variations exist, in one competitors begin in the ring inside the lowest cage and must make their way to the roof of the third cage where an object is suspended, with the winner being the first competitor to obtain the object and exit the cage.[85] The other, dubbed the Tower of Doom match had two teams of five make their way down from the uppermost cage to the bottom, with victory achieved when all five members of a team escaped a door there. The cages were cut off from each other, with doors controlled from outside by referees, who only opened them for two-minute intervals

WarGames Match
Sometimes suffixed with the tagline "The Match Beyond", the War Games match features two rings surrounded by an enclosed steel cage (with a roof) with two teams (or sometimes three) facing one another. One man from each team starts out with another from either team at random entering the cage via a timed interval. The winning team must get a member of another team to submit after all members of each team are in the cage

Ambulance match
An Ambulance match is fought under hardcore rules, no pinfalls, no submission, no DQ, no count-out and the only way to win is for one wrestler to force their opponent into the back of an ambulance and close the door. There have only been two known Ambulance Matches in WWE. The first one took place at Survivor Series 2003 where Kane defeated Shane McMahon. The most recent one was at Elimination Chamber 2012 which also involved Kane as one of the competitors. His opponent was John Cena, who won the match. The ambulance has to leave in order to win

A Buried Alive
 match is a No Holds Barred match in which the object is for one wrestler to throw his opponent into a grave dug out of a large mound of dirt placed outside the ring. Once in the grave, the wrestler must bury his opponent in dirt

The Casket Match
(formerly known as the Coffin match) has a casket near the ring, with the object of the match being to trap the opposing wrestler in it. In team matches, an entire team typically has to be placed in the casket to lose

Last Ride match
A Last Ride match is a hardcore match, in which the only way to win is for one wrestler to force their opponent into the back of a hearse, close the door, and drive it out of the arena.

Stretcher match
In the Stretcher Match, one wrestler most incapacitate their opponent to such an extent that they are able to get them onto the stretcher and roll them to the finish line, usually past a line at the top of the entrance ramp.

Survivor Series Match
An elimination matches is the Survivor Series match, most commonly held at the WWE pay-per-view event of the same name. A Survivor Series match is similar to a tag-team match, except that whenever a wrestler is pinned, taps out or disqualified, he is eliminated from the match. In a Survivor Series match, the wrestlers are divided into two teams, typically with four or five members on each team, and the winners ("survivors") of the match are the wrestlers still remaining when all members of the other team have been eliminated. This differs from the Torneo cibernetico match which is popular in lucha libre promotions, particularly in Mexico. Like the Survivor Series match, the wrestlers are divided into two teams, two teams of eight.

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